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Even though all of these aspects feels incredible, what I am missing is pure didacticism. Throw away the hedonist values of the space, throw away the toilets, throw away anything which could pull the audience away from the artwork.
The aspiring dream of a strict gallery is no longer seems impossible thanks to The BERG. As the artist always works with the audience and how he is in relation with the them as a wanna be validated artist, one way of fortifying his presence is the uncommon surroundings: Art and no pleasure.
The idea of a perfectly preserved, cooperative and challenge free space for the production, presentation or the degustation is nearly mythological. Nevertheless of its possibility, the necessity of this possibility is what’s challenging the mind of The BERG; Is it better have the uncomfortable arrangement for the sake of everyone?
In the search of this perfect sterilised and purified gallery space, where BERG can hold the power of affecting and getting affected by the audience directly or indirectly, the artist is in the process of doing a series of works which will eventually reach to the desired “white cube”. One step of this desired place is, how to plan the space itself for the optimised strictness.