A perspective on the subject of immediate actions:
The allure of clearing the mind over the complications of the artistic acts such as performance and video is becoming inevitable to escape while the over complications of conceptual thinking in the art scene is getting much more evident.
As The BERG has progressed deeply into the reading performances, the eventual reaction he wished to obtain from the crowd get nulled out. While he was in search for the reasoning behind the disconnection between the audience and the planned reaction, the artist took a six months long performance break.
This performance break came into a conclusion of how The BERG chose to approach performance from the ground zero. Considering the base line, each performance separates into three segments: Audience, space and the artist.
The BERG has realised his first non-performative performance BTTDTAP (Better things to do than a performance) in the Rosastern space. He set up a time clock for five minutes while he hasn’t stepped into his show or even seen, he only came shortly to open the letter next to the clock to reveal what he has done in those five minutes. This first reaction of what to do when not doing a performance covered the primal segment of interactions : Space without the artist.
The second BTTDTAP has been realised in the ZIRKA space for Various others, while The BERG has interrupted a rave to turn off all the lights and the music. The artist was equipped with night vision googles and cameras to experience the audience while the audience had no chance to experience the artist visually in the same manner. This secondary segment covered the audience without the artist.
The footage from the chest camera